More than vitamins

Vitamin C manufacturer

Are you looking for a vitamin C manufacturer? Pharmavit is an independent, family-owned pharmaceutical company. The selection of new ingredients and suppliers is a careful activity. This means that both the quality of the ingredients, the substantiation and the producers are carefully screened for their suitability for our customers and applications. We supply different kinds of raw materials and finished products worldwide. With our partner offices and extensive networks in China, India, and the USA, we are at the forefront of developments in the market worldwide.

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Pharmavit Vitamin C manufacturer

Pharmavit is your vitamin C manufacturer into the nutraceutical and pharmaceutical industry. Our Vitamin C is obtained from the highest quality raw material and follows a strict quality and traceability control. This ensures maximum purity and guarantees the end product’s efficacy and safety. If you want to know more about vitamin C, please fill out the form on the left and we will answer your question as quickly as possible.

Wide range of materials at Pharmavit

Looking for other materials than vitamin C? Pharmavit specializes in high-quality minerals, vitamins, botanicals, plant and herb extracts, and nutritional supplements. We have a wide range of materials in stock and guarantee consistency. On our website, you can find more information about our Raw materials and end products. If you need a particular product we don’t currently have we can act quickly to find it for you and add it to our stock.

Vitamin C manufacturer

What is Vitamin C?

Vitamin C is also known as ascorbic acid and L-ascorbic acid. Vitamin C encompasses several vitamers. Sodium ascorbate and calcium ascorbate, both ascorbate salts, release ascorbate upon digestion and are therefore used in some dietary supplements. Ascorbate and ascorbic acid are both naturally present in the body. The richest natural sources of Vitamin C are fruits and vegetables.

Vitamin C is an essential nutrient required by the body for the development and maintenance of scar tissue, blood vessels, and cartilage. A  lot of food contains Vitamin C. High vitamin C foods include guavas, bell peppers, kiwifruit, strawberries, oranges, broccoli, papayas, tomatoes, kale, and snow peas.

What are the benefits?

Vitamin C is a cofactor in several enzymatic reactions. Essential functions: including wound healing. It is an essential nutrient involved in the repair of tissue and the enzymatic production of certain neurotransmitters. Vitamin C plays a vital role in the functioning of several enzymes and is important for the immune system function. Vitamin C acts as an antioxidant, a reducing agent, by donating electrons to various enzymatic and non-enzymatic reactions.

Interested in this product?

Pharmavit has over 20 years of partner relationships, industry expertise, innovation and service that everyone at Pharmavit brings to our customers each and every day. Contact us for your nutraceutical and pharmaceutical solutions:

Jeroen Schmid
Sales Director

nutraceutical pharmaceutical pharmavit

The possibility to create your own product!

Our newest product is Pellet Perfection™ and combines the latest technology with tailor-made perfection that could enrich your business. In just four simple steps you can create your product! The pellets you create are small, perfectly round granules of active ingredients that come in any size and color. If you are interested in this product you can find more information below.

We look forward to hearing from you!

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