More than vitamins

Cyanocobalamin manufacturer

Looking for a cyanocobalamin manufacturer? Pharmavit is the global supplier of vitamin B12 cyanocobalamin and also supplies different kinds of materials. For more than 15 years we deliver high-quality kinds of raw materials and end products to the nutraceutical and pharmaceutical industry. Pharmavit is an independent, family-owned pharmaceutical company located in the Netherlands.

Pharmavit supplies vitamin B12 cyanocobalamin as an end product and is delivered as tablets.

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Cyanocobalamin at Pharmavit

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Are you looking for other materials than vitamin B12 cyanocobalamin? Pharmavit is specialised in high-quality minerals, vitamins, botanicals, plant and herb extracts, and nutritional supplements. We have a wide range of products in stock and guarantee their consistency. If we do not have a particular product you require let us know and we can possibly help you find it through our network.

Cyanocobalamin manufacturer

Cyanocobalamin is a man-made form of vitamin B12. Most people get enough vitamin B12 from their diet but it is important to maintain the health of your metabolism, blood cells and nerves. Vitamin B12 is important for growth, blood formation, and cell production.

Vitamin B12 supplements are typically derived in two sources: methylcobalamin and cyanocobalamin. Both are nearly identical but each has a different molecule attached to the cobalt ion. While cyanocobalamin contains a cyanide molecule, methylcobalamin contains a methyl group. Cyanocobalamin is a synthetic form of vitamin B12 that you can’t find in nature.

Cyanocobalamin supplier

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Cyanocobalamin is generally well tolerated by people. It is one of the most widely manufactured vitamers in the Vitamin B12 family (the family of chemicals that function as B12 when released into the body. It is the easiest to crystallize and therefore easiest to purify after it is produced by bacterial fermentation.

Cyanocobalamin is used more frequently in supplements, as it’s considered more stable and cost-effective than other forms of Vitamin B12. Although distinct differences exist between both sources, both have beneficial effects on health and can prevent B12 deficiencies. Unlike cyanocobalamin, methylcobalamin is a naturally occurring form of vitamin B12. This can be obtained through supplements, as well as food sources like fish, eggs, meat, and milk.

We at Pharmavit are the cyanocobalamin manufacturer for the pharmaceutical and nutraceutical industry.

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Pharmavit has over 20 years of partner relationships, industry expertise, innovation and service that everyone at Pharmavit brings to our customers each and every day. Contact us for your nutraceutical and pharmaceutical solutions:

Jeroen Schmid
Sales Director

nutraceutical pharmaceutical pharmavit

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